We are two astrologers with one purpose
Inspirit: instilling life, energy, courage, or vigour into someone or something.
We can’t change the essential framework of our own life. So our wish is to give you astrological guidance, support, and encourage you to discover how you can actively interact with fate. We understand that coping with life is not always easy, so we aim to use astrology as a tool. A tool to help you deal with aspects of life that might be uniquely challenging to you. Moreover aspects of life that modern society makes difficult to confront.
In addition we aim to help you go beyond the limitations of the technological approach of humanity and back to the spiritual roots. We believe in fate and karma but also in free will – the balance between acceptance and action being the foundation for a happier life.
We understand that times can be hard and we want the magic of astrology to be available to everyone. To make our services accessible there is a financial assistance form where you can make a request for a reduced price reading.