Please bear in mind that electing a date with astrology is aimed to support your aims and will not replace the necessary preparation, research and common sense required in any venture. Releasing an album after just a week of learning the guitar will never become a big hit, no matter how good the electional chart is.
If possible, submit your question at least three months before the time period for the event.
Any last-minute elections with less than three months’ notice are less likely to be spectacular. However, they can be used to make the best out of the time constraints you are under.
Delivery time: Two weeks from the submission of this form and payment.
If you are in a hurry you can contact me directly at to discuss the situation.
What you will receive: Two elected dates, in one location, selected within the provided time frame that suit your desired outcome. They will come with a description of the planetary aspects and how they serve your aims. No chart is perfect, so I will also provide any information regarding potential pitfalls or concerns in the chart.
If you need multiple locations to be considered, or more than two elected dates, please contact me at to arrange something customized to your needs.
Birth details aren’t essential but improve the likelihood of a beneficial outcome.
Please fill in the form to the best of your ability so that the chart provided will best suit your needs.