Horary is a method of casting a chart to answer a specific question. It is important that the question relates directly to you or people in your life. For example, asking who will win the election will not produce dependable results.
It is best to meditate on your question beforehand and think carefully about what you really need to know deep from your heart. Asking it as directly as possible is ideal, questions such as ‘Will I ….?, “Should I …?” and “How do they feel about me?” are common. It is also best if the question is regarding a situation that is unfolding in the present moment, or something with a definite time frame. For example, “Will I sell my house?” is a question best asked about this current situation where you want to sell it, not regarding some far off, indeterminate future. Of course, life isn’t always that simple so send us your question and if we need to clarify things we will contact you.
We will deliver you the answer to the question in an email within seven days. If you are in a hurry please let us know in the extra information and we will aim to accommodate.
You will receive information about the astrological configurations and an analysis of what that means for your situation. Please be advised that it is a single question – if your situation is more complicated you might want to consider a natal reading with us and within the session we can investigate your concerns, including the use of horary if it is appropriate. If you need help to be able to afford a reading please fill out the financial assistance form and we will try to accommodate.